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AASV Orlando 2019 PDF  | Stampa |

Il Gruppo Veterinario Suinicolo mantovano in collaborazione con Boehringer Ingelheim ha organizzato lo scorso 12 Aprile un incontro dal titolo:


“AASV Orlando 2019: Aggiornamenti e novità nel panorama suinicolo nordamericano”



Carlo Lasagna: (Gruppo Martini)

Simone Andreoni: (Boehringer Ingelheim AH Italia)


About the AASV

Based in Perry, Iowa, the AASV has approximately 1300 members involved in practice, industry, and academia in more than 40 countries.

It is the mission of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians to:

  • increase the knowledge of swine veterinarians
  • protect and promote the health and well-being of pigs
  • advocate science-based approaches to veterinary, industry, and public health issues
  • promote the development and availability of resources that enhance the effectiveness of professional activities
  • create opportunities that inspire personal and professional growth and interaction
  • mentor students, encouraging life-long careers as swine veterinarians

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